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Image by Dmitry Osipenko


The three main obstacles to effective Environmental, Climate and Human Rights Protection are the lack of sufficient technical and financial resources and the lack of Education. 

Education is a fundamental factor for the implementation of long-lasting environmental protection measures. The effectiveness of protected areas, for example, is directly proportional to the involvement of the local communities and the government. Only where the affected actors understand the benefits of protected areas to their economy, the conservation measures will be supported and implemented effectively. 

​We are committed to empower communities, contribute to capacity building and inspire the next generation of Ocean defenders by sharing pro bono workshops, lectures and free educational resources.


Comming soon

Marine Protected Areas in the Law of the Sea

This lecture was deliverd at the University of Sydney for Prof. Dr. Tim Stephens in July 2020. It covers the basics of Marine Protected Areas in International Public Law.



Michelle Bender

'The Designation of Marine Protected Areas: A legal Obligation'

Dr. Anna von Rebay

This book entails a comprehensive analysis of the States' obligation to protect and preserve the marine environment and evidences that under Art. 192 UNCLOS State are obliged to adopt specific obligations, such as the designation of Marine Protected Areas or the prohibition of Bottom Trawling.



In der Mini-Radioserie (2 Minuten) von Susann Schütz über Neuanfänge verschiedener Personen, erzählt unsere Gründerin Anna von Rebay über Ihren Weg vom Traum der Menschenrechtlerin, über Großkanzlei hin zu Meeresschutz und zeigt, dass auch der Juraweg nicht immer linear ist. Wieso es sich lohnt auch mal gegen Konventionen zu verstoßen, um seinen Traum zu verwirklichen, hört ihr hier.

Ocean Rights
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